All indigenous cultures throughout the world have their own concept of spirit guides, the term "Totem" finds its origin among the Algonquian (Dodem) and Ojibwe (Odoodem) peoples of North America. I have always believed, even before learning of the concept of an animal totem, that everything in the natural world reflects some lesson, some hidden reality, to us about us—about our capacities, our potentialities, our nobility. The Algonquian and Ojibwe peoples have long identified their lineage with specific animals; seeing the beauty and qualities of these creatures reflected in their own character, allowing such qualities to guide and shape their lives. As indigenous peoples have always known—and what we are collectively striving to awaken to today—is that the cultivation of this relationship has the potential to catalyze our capacity for reciprocity, coherence, beauty, and presence.
Thus, the Totem Series commemorates the hidden, yet manifest, sacred messages of the natural world.
What message awaits you?
Select your animal totem to shop Prints, Greeting Cards, Home goods, and Apparel.
Animal Totem Series
Is your totem not listed? Visit the Animal Totem Series to commission an original Abstract Animal Totem package as unique as you.
A portion of every Animal Totem purchase supports the work of the International Tree Foundation—an organization that works with grassroots organizations throughout Africa and the UK to carry out sustainable community forestry projects to protect, regenerate, cultivate, and conserve habitats rich in biodiversity through enhancing human and environmental well-being.
Visit Adorn Your Atmosphere for more on the Totem series, including how each piece is created.