“Nature is God’s Will and is its expression in and through the contingent world.”
Colors, textures and light, vast seas and majestic mountains, waterfalls and sandy beaches, plants and animals—everything that surrounds us is here for our growth, development, and healing. We must simply remain open to receive the gifts that await us.
Through commissioned abstract paintings and personalized photographs—each conscientiously and specifically created for a particular individual in heart and mind—I offer a unique approach to healing—my intention is to provide a message of beauty and grace for YOU through color and light—a message that, every time you encounter it, empowers you to arise to your full potential. Whether you are looking for one piece or are interested in a Shape Your Sanctuary package, I welcome the opportunity to create, with you, artwork that brings you home within yourself and reminds you of your inner radiance.
I provide three types of commissioned artwork:
Abstract artwork made specifically for you, with colors and textures to elevate your soul, awaken your purpose, and catalyze your calling.
Abstract paintings and digital editing meet in these one-of-a-kind pieces lovingly created to support you in remembering your radiance.
Custom photography of loved ones, childhood memories, your favorite place, or nature's hidden messages to return you to your center.
Color is radiant energy, vibrations of light, and as such it effortlessly activates and releases within us various aspects of our character, capacity, and creative energy. Therefore, color is a form of non-verbal communication which has the potential to reflect the truth about who we are and how we are here to serve. In this connection, color can be understood to be a form of spiritual nourishment.
Color is fluid; as such, its meaning is also fluid. One color, as it stands alone, may elicit one feeling; yet, when paired with another color it elicits an entirely different feeling. Thus, when seeking to identify your unique color constellation, the colors that will make up your personalized piece, it is best to draw from your experience of the natural world, where the Divine has provided an endless array of color combinations for us to experience. The study of nature illustrates that color can be understood in four distinct yet overlapping groups—organized by season. It does not require any special gift or skill to unearth your color constellation; all that is required is that you orient yourself to the existing beauty that surrounds you to which you are innately drawn.
I offer three distinct styles of paintings:
Layered color, layered texture. On wood. Matte finish.
Layered color, minimal texture. On paper. Matte finish.
One layer of color and texture. On canvas. Glossy finish.
The process begin with a consultation on your unique color constellation;
we continue with an exploration of key words, mantras, quotes, song lyrics, etc., that move and inspire you.
We conclude our consult with a discussion on the style of painting that best suits your spirit and space.
With your colors, style, and words in heart and mind, I begin your painting, finishing when the spirit moves me.
Unsure if commissioned work is for you? Check out the Shop to see if there is anything available you are interested in!
The natural world is full of mystical wonder and, as such, it manifests messages. Have you ever seen a rainbow and just knew in your bones it was for you? Have you felt the warmth of a breeze on a sunny afternoon and trusted everything would be alright?
Native Traditions the world over have long held that the natural world is here to support us. One aspect of this is that all animals serve as spirit guides, providing wisdom and accompaniment throughout our lives so that we may come to know ourselves at deeper and deeper levels. Have you been in the thick of something when an animal caught your attention and in that moment you knew exactly what you needed to do? Or maybe that animal served as a sort of confirmation that you have been on the right path all along. Or perhaps an animal popped into you life at the perfect moment to remind you of your radiance.
This abstract series commemorates the sacred messages of the natural world.
What message awaits you?
The process begins with an original abstract painting created with your spirit in heart and mind.
After digitizing the painting, it becomes the background of a silhouette of the animal of your choosing,
culminating in a one-of-a-kind animal totem print.
Each package includes the signed original abstract painting, a signed animal totem print,
a folded greeting card with the description of the hidden message and meaning behind your unique totem,
and one apparel item of your choosing.
The giraffe encourages us to elongate our vision, stretch ourselves, and reach as far as we can. Giraffe teaches us to use our gift of higher perception and to combine vision with empathy to gain grand views in life situations.
Symbolically the giraffe represents vision, beauty, mystery, patience, and elegance among other attributes.
The colors of teal, purple, and yellow accentuate the message of the giraffe, highlighting the ability to be even tempered in difficult situations.
A creature of wind and water the dragonfly symbolic of change, encouraging lightness and joy in our lives. Dragonfly supports us in delving deeper into our emotions and in shining our true colors.
Symbolically the dragonfly represents purity, prosperity, joy, transformation, and grace among other attributes.
The colors of fuchsia, purple, and aqua highlight the message of the dragonfly that we can be joyful in all circumstances, even those of significant transformation.
Like its body weight, the elephant has tons of meaningful insight to share with us, speaking in terms of sensitivity, loyalty and determination. The elephant exemplifies patience and devotion and encourages gentle wisdom.
Symbolically the elephant represents strength, honor, stability, right use of power, and tenacity among other attributes.
The colors teal, fuchsia, and blue illustrate the message of the elephant to be bold and powerful in our perseverence.
To view available prints, greeting cards, and apparel, visit the Shop.
I specialize in the sweet, simple moments of life.
This could be the candid moments at the birth of your child, the behind the scenes at your wedding, or that one day at the beach.
It could also be a special memento of your childhood home or that field you used to play in.
Perhaps you are looking for a special message from the natural world, just for you.
The process begin with a consultation about what package is right for you.
Once we’ve identified the ideal package to fit your vision, I will document your request,
providing you with color-corrected digital images, and prints, if included.
If you are looking for portraits, check out Brand Your Beauty for more information.
This applies to branding images, as well as senior and family portraits.
Unsure if commissioned work is for you? Check out the Shop to see if there is anything available you are interested in!
I grew up surrounded by artists on both sides of my family—both grandmothers are artists in their own right, as well as my parents and sister—one grandmother is talented at needle-work and embroidery, the other as a painter and poet. My mother is an expert at portraits and my father is a fantastic singer. My sister is a designer and creative-extraordinaire. Each one of them brings into existence beautiful things; none without inspiration, and none without support.
“the work of an artist is to bear witness to an unfolding process of creation—one that is uplifting—and to be a channel for something far greater then one’s self”
Having grown up immersed in the various artistic styles of my extended family, it makes sense that I would grow into a style uniquely my own. I wouldn’t say I have been “trained” as an artist, but I would say I have learned about various forms of artistic expression my entire life and have been afforded opportunities to explore on deeper and deeper levels what “art” means to me. In the space of my marriage my husband continues to support my exploration and experimentation of different art forms which allows me to see any perceivable mistake in diverse artistic techniques as an opportunity to learn and grow, transform and transcend, and to realize that the purpose of any art form is the betterment of humankind. Through all of this I’ve come to understand that art is not a mere expression of one’s self, for that would be too self-indulgent. Rather, the work of an artist is to bear witness to an unfolding process of creation—one that is uplifting—and to be a channel for something far greater then one’s self. By this definition, all aspects of one’s life—service, work, worship, love, parenting, etc.—are forms of art, for it is the spirit which animates such forms that gives them life.
I find inspiration in the world around me, from big, bold landscapes and the fine details of a flower to the way the sunlight kisses everything it touches in the afternoon and the twinkle in the eye of a young child. I draw upon such inspiration when creating a painting and capturing a moment, for a glimpse of beauty quickens the heart and refines the character, enlivens the spirit and leads us home within ourselves. It is through this process of creativity that Radiant Creation finds expression. Each painting is created and each photo is captured in such a way as to assist its owner in returning home thru beauty. It is my promise to you that your piece(s) will empower you to serve in the ways you feel called, and remind you that you are a Radiant Creation. What messages await you? I, for one, cannot wait to find out!
Ever serving,